





* Utility of Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) to predict platelet recovery in Dengue patients having Thrombocytopenia - by Dr. Shubhangi Tambwekar, Dr. Preethi Sridharan Chari, Dr. Anitha M., Dr. Sujay Prasad, Anand Diagnostic Laboratory, Bangalore (October 2015)

* Slide Seminar (CME on Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology, Kolar) - by speaker Dr Rajendiran S.

* Slide Seminar (33rd Annual National CME in Pathology) - by Dr. Rajiv Swamy, HCG Hospital, Bangalore and Dr. Debdatta Basu

* Microphotography by Mobile Simplified, by Dr. Sanjeev Y. Patwardhan, May 2015

* Keynote Lecture on Technology and Innovation in Medical Education - It is about TIME - by Prof. Vinay Kumar at International Symposium and Slide Session on Women's (Breast and GYN) Pathology, Aligarh, Feb 2015

* Women Pathologists for "Say no to cervical cancer campaign" - Dr. Manu Noatay

* Launch of the Tissue-Based Map of the Human Proteins - PathoIndia Congratulates Dr. Sanjay Navani and his team for their wonderful contribution to the Human Protein Atlas project.

* SOS IHC an Immunohistochemistry (IHC) App created by Dr. Srinivas Mandavilli (Senior Attending Pathologist, Hartford Hospital, CT, USA).

* Slide seminar by Dr. Gita Jayaram - XXXII Annual National CME in Pathology, June 2014, Belgaum

* A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami - TED Talks - Manu Prakash, Stanford University

* Congratulations to Patho-L for 20 years of online presence.

* Getting Out from Behind the Paraffin Curtain, Ed Uthman, Arch Pathol

* The Future of Pathology Is Now A. Joe Saad, MD, Arch Pathol

* Diagnostic digital cytopathology: Are we ready yet? J Path Informatics.







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