

Women Pathologists for "Say no to cervical cancer campaign".

Dear Friends,

Any female pathologist who is keen to contribute in this mission - through various ways, which shall be told when we have mails for this work, or any male pathologist who wishes to involve any lady gynecologist in this work.

CV's are must, for lady gynecologists wherever applicable.

This is not short term work, this will mean a lot for those who are not aware of the enormity of the work and its potential to save lives.

Please be informed that this is voluntary and it may mean more work for you and may be more affiliations with NGOs or communities to motivate them to screen women.

As a team - you should be able to have any one who can create awareness, take samples , screen , report and arrange for local follow up or colposcopies.

Its daunting and committing thankless work..but it saves lives.

Commercial Labs can join in, provided they are willing to offer free pap smears for all women who come to their lab for other testings.

Their will be single reporting format, and frequent training programmes and quality checks.

My effort to start cytology training course has been unsuccessful because i have been told that i am not fulfilling criterias as per IAC which are not yet mentioned on their website........

I had applied three years back..

So anyone wanting certifications, can please look for authorised centres.

I will only share and will ask other senior cytologists who volunteer to join in as trainers, but no certificates...

With all these Terms and conditions and only a will to save 1, 32, 000 women every year..one cell at a time...lets start...

Please send details to manunoatay@hotmail.com, with subject heading "Women Pathologists for say no to cervical cancer campaign"

Thanks and Regards,

Dr. Manu Noatay

Feb 8th, 2015



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